I don't have one specific story, but memories from childhood and adulthood. As a child I loved my uncle Eric - he was fun - funny and loved his family. He loved to laugh. I enjoyed our family visits. I was there often to meet up with Margaret to go riding, as well as when our families would get together to visit. As an adult, when my husband and I moved to the US, I loved what he wrote in our going away autograph book - "Wherever you go, wherever you roam, always remember, that England's your home. " I so wish I had made it "home" to see him.
I loved that when we were in California, and would travel, uncle Eric (who was amazing with his computer!) would map our route along with us, asking if we would go on this road, or that road, would we see this or that. I loved his curiosity and desire to connect with us. It was like he came with us. It was very special.
He will be remembered by many I am sure, and my older kids do remember when he visited, and when we visited him in England many years ago. Glad he is at peace after a wonderful and long life, he is loved by his California family! The photo (old and blurry I am afraid) is at our going away party.